An excellent turnout by the local community, including a good number of our Rotarians, in helpfully sunny late-autumn weather, enabled plenty of productive voluntary work on The Glade Bird Sanctuary, Old Coulsdon.
In a series of Saturday morning work parties, arranged and led by local Councillor Margaret Bird, the overgrowing ivy and other encroaching scrub and branches are being cut back and removed, in order to make the perimeter pavement safer and provide greater visibility to this valuable nature haven in the urban streets of our village.
more Rotarians and partners, together with Cadets of Old Coulsdon’s 285 Air Squadron packed over 120 Christmas Hampers, to help bring Christmas cheer to local families, during these challenging times.
more Rotarians and partners planned and ran our traditional 2021 Christmas Party for the residents of Toldene Court assisted living.
back Volunteering and contributing time, energy, and expertise to our local community, in groups, and as individuals.