Boot, Craft and Produce Fairs in 2022

How disappointing that we weren’t able to finish the year on a high note. Our Fair scheduled for Sunday 2nd October had to be cancelled due to the forecast of heavy/persistent rain. The forecast was, for once, correct.

The crowded Martello Field during the July Boot, Craft and Produce Fair

For the rest of the year, we were however blessed mainly with bright, sunny and dry weather that encouraged stallholders and the public to turn out in large numbers.

Despite the disappointment in October, this has been another very satisfying and rewarding year. After a good start in April/May, the June Fair was a little disappointing with just 29 stallholders. We believe this was because it was Jubilee week-end and many had other events to attend.

The July Fair however more than made up for this low number with the highest ever number of stallholders — 117. This, together with a large number of visitors meant that we had income of very nearly £1,400 – the largest amount raised at a single Fair.

In total there have been 445 stalls at the 6 Fairs that we have been able to hold this year. Thus, with Rotary stall sales and money in the donation buckets, we have had receipts of nearly £5,800, which after the expenses of running the Fairs, is a net income of nearly £5,500.

We would like to give our grateful thanks to the community of Seaford for your support in helping us raise this sum.

We started holding these Fairs in 2011 and, with hindsight, they were then somewhat amateurish.

Less so today, or at least that is what the stallholders and the public tell us. At every Fair, we now regularly get feedback that says how well the morning is organised and that everybody is having a good time.

Organising the Fairs takes some considerable effort by many Rotarians who give up time to put up the advertising, set up the Field with line marking and signage, manage the event and clear up at the end. This is all done because we are grateful to stallholders and the public who enjoy the morning and that it generates monies that support many local organisations in their charitable work.

Tony HenleyContact Tony Henley about this page:

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The crowded Martello Field during the July Boot, Craft and Produce Fair

Posh September Fair

back It is not often that you see a 1970 Rolls Royce Merlin anywhere, let alone one behind the stall at the Car Boot Fair, but that was the case at the September Rotary Boot, Craft and Produce Fair at Martello Fields.

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