Scam Awareness

Thu, Oct 3rd 2019 at 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Clinton Centre, Clinton Place, Seaford

Only 5% of over 65s report that they have been the victim of a scam. The Nat West Scam Awareness Team will be at the Clinton Centre, Clinton Place, on Thursday 3rd October 2019, 10.30am to 12 noon to give advice to local residents on the type of scams that might affect them, and how to avoid them. It is a public meeting open to all Seaford residents, and is being held on a weekday morning in the hope that the more vulnerable and elderly residents can attend, since it is especially relevant to them as potential victims. Light refreshments will be available. 

Seaford Rotary and their Business partners have sponsored the event to reinforce the monthly Scam Awareness articles published in the Seaford Scene.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Seaford Rotary has introduced a new level of membership, Associate Membership

Geoff Lowles and Mike Roper cleaning the exterior panelling working their way from the rear to the front of the Children with Cancer Fund (CWCF) caravan

Reports on Support for the Local Community


Reports of Meetings, Social Events and Vocational Visits


Reports on Fundraising Activities

The winning STEM Stars team of Bea, Jonas, Bethany and Georgia from Cradle Hill Primary school with teacher Peri Kusadali and Rotarians Paul Vaesen and President Mandy Davis

Reports on Support for Youth Activities, Competitions and Individuals


Reports on Support for Activities of Overseas Charities


The Seaford Rotary Business Partners Scheme operates, in conjunction with our website, to develop closer contacts with and support from local businesses.
