Littlehampton Satellite supports the annual Worthing Rotary Carnival

Sun, Aug 29th 2021 at 9:00 am- Mon, Aug 30th 2021 - 5:00 pm

Members of Littlehampton Satellite have been working with Worthing and Highdown Rotary Clubs to run the annual August Bank Holiday Rotary Carnival

Rotary Carnival brings two days of family fun to

was brought alive over the bank Holiday weekend with an attractive range of activities on the Steyne and along the promenade.   The Worthing and Highdown Rotary Clubs, supported by the newly formed Littlehampton Satellite Rotary Club, joined forces to ensure there was a fun filled event over the two days of the August Bank Holiday.

Although Covid prevented the usual parade, crowds still flocked into the town to enjoy music from 16 bands and groups which kept up the entertainment all day over the two days.  There was an international choice of foods and a wide range of community stalls to investigate.

The children were thrilled by the Punch and Judy, or enjoyed chasing the bubbles produced by the bubble blowing man, as well as taking advantage of the bouncy castles and fair ground rides.

Town Crier, Bob Smytherman, was very much in the fore, putting everyone in the party spirit.   The Mayor and his consort, Councillors Lionel and Harriett Harman spent time visiting the stalls and thanked everyone for their efforts, and the Youth Mayor, Will Nyss and Deputy Mayor Henny Sonnemann-Petty, were also in attendance.

Carnival committee member Gerald Ilsley said ‘It seems as if the Carnival has been a real success in spite of not being able to have the usual parade.   I would like to thank all our supporters and sponsors, and also thank all the Rotarians who have given up their time over the weekend to make this such a success.’


David Chapman

Littlehampton Satellite Rotary Club

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