Children's Garden Home Kenya

We have an ongoing commitment to capital projects at CGH orphanage in Nairobi. In 2024 we funded a hygiene block of toilets and showers and are raising funds for a science lab for the school

The toilets are arriving!

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The toilets are arriving!

What we do

back We work on local community projects and have a major commitment to an educational project in Zanzibar set up by 2 of our members

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Zanzibar teachers

We work on local community projects and have a major commitment to an educational project in Zanzibar set up by 2 of our members

Welcome to Brighton

We're a flexible and informal club...

Mermaid parties

We raise money through events such as mermaid parties and art sales. We collect coats through "Wrap Up Worthing" initiatiave.
