Club Speakers and events

Members are regularly entertained by a wide range of speakers. Sometimes our own members and often guest speakers.

David Robertson Woodland Speaker in August 2024

Community Woodlands

12.8.24 - David Robertson, Vice Convenor, Helensburgh Community Woodlands Group gave a very interesting illustrated talk on the Group’s history, achievements and future plans.

Scotland beneath the Surface

9.9.24 - Bruce Keith gave an illustrated talk on the subject of his latest book 'Scotland beneath the Surface' describing Scotland’s fascinating underground heritage - both natural and man made.  

Bruce is a retired chartered surveyor and chartered environmentalist. He is the author of three books; his study of milestones called 'Are We Nearly There Yet?', 'Bridgescapes' celebrating Scotland's bridge-building heritage and now the fascinating story of 'Scotland Beneath the Surface' looks at the wealth of resources and infrastructure which lie beneath our feet and form part of our nation's history and geography.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Presenting defibrillator to Cardross Bowling Club

Many of our members joined Rotary because it offers a chance to 'give something back'


The environment is a major area of Rotary service

David Robertson Woodland Speaker in August 2024

Members are regularly entertained by a wide range of speakers. Sometimes our own members and often guest speakers.

Our club logo and area we cover

a potted history of Lomond Rotary Club

Santa's Grotto

Lomond Rotary's Santas Grotto


Rotary carries out service projects across the world, from our own community to the most deprived and remotes areas.


The role and purpose of our charity


Rotary's own world wide charity


Rotary is a world-wide service organisation and whilst clubs have a significant local focus they also have an international dimension


Joining Rotary opens a world of possibilities for you.
