Our Club Charity

The role and purpose of our charity

Through local fund-raising activities we are able to provide grants to individuals and local, national and international charities as well as providing support to needy local organisations. We use the funds raised to;
  • relieve ill health and disability
  • support education and citizenship
  • improve the environment
  • and generally to support the aims and objectives of Rotary

To ensure funds are seen to be safely handled and to let us recover Gift Aid on donations we have set up a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (The Lomond Rotary Club SCIO) and we submit reports each year to OSCR.

The Rotary Club of Lomond Charity SCIO is a Scottish Charity.

Charity No. SCO51142


'What We Do' Main Pages:

Santa's Grotto

Lomond Rotary's Santas Grotto


Rotary carries out service projects across the world, from our own community to the most deprived and remotes areas.


The role and purpose of our charity

New president being congratulated by outgoing president Gordon

New Photo Gallery showing handover to new president


Rotary's own world wide charity

Handing over a new defibrillator for use at the Ardencaple Hotel, Rhu.

We carry out a wide range of service projects


The environment is a major area of Rotary service

Our club logo and area we cover

a potted history of Lomond Rotary Club


Joining Rotary opens a world of possibilities for you.
