Gloria Barnett - The Weird Fish Lady

Thu, Sep 24th 2020 at 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Gloria will be speaking to us on Thursday 24th September. Visiting Rotarians and guests will be most welcome.

Gloria is a passionate and well-informed champion of marine conservation. She is an ocean adventurer, scuba diver, film-maker, scientist and an educator who has recently turned her hand to writing books for children, young and old. Her exciting stories are aimed at helping young people to understand the issues that threaten every one of us, as we all depend on an unpolluted ocean environment. Many young children in the UK know her affectionately as: ‘The Weirdfish Lady’ due to her primary school workshops, assemblies, talks at parent evenings and her published teaching resource material. Apart from her writing, Gloria has shared her message to a number of interested groups as an international speaker. Her presentations and books are based on her underwater encounters in seas around the world. She has swum with sharks, been attacked by an angry Trigger Fish, got stung by a scorpionfish and fought off a deadly Sea Krait (sea snake) in the waters off the Philippines. She has amassed extensive film footage and stories of strange and amazing sea creatures.’ 

During this difficult time we are meeting online twice per month on the 2nd and 4th Thursday's at 7pm via Zoom.

Visiting Rotarians and guests are always welcome but please contact us beforehand, using the 'Contact' option below, so we know to expect you and don't leave you in the Waiting Room.

Members will be advised of the connection details nearer the time.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Outgoing President George English hands over the Chain of Office to incoming President Fred Orr at the annual Handover Dinner at the Park Hotel.


Committee information


Rtn's David Hill and David Johnstone at the finish line in Balloch after today's Kilt Walk.


Charlie Boax, who attends Grange Academy, was the winner of our local Rotary Young Musician competition. On Sunday, 23 April 2023, Charlie competed in the RIGBI Young Musician Final in Manchester and was again successful.


President Alastair Crabb presenting Rose Reilly MBE with her Paul Harris Fellowship certificate in recognition of her community work.


A little bit about us first........


Information about the End Polio Now Campaign


Club Committee Information


Committee Information


Committee Information
