Richard Wiggins talking about the Pointman Leadership Institute

Thu, Jan 11th 2018 at 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Richard will be talking to us on Thursday 11th January 2018

The Pointman Leadership Institute was started in 1994 by Robert Vernon following a request from the Czech Government to retrain their police after the Velvet Revolution. Since then PLI has been to over 70 countries providing ethical leadership and anti-corruption training. It works with Governments, Police, Military, Business, Churches and Young People.  There are 80 trainers based in USA, Thailand, Bolivia, South Africa, Nigeria, Central African Republic and the UK. 

PLI worked closely with President Sirleaf in Liberia giving the seminars to all the Government, Police, Judicary and Military which she has acknowledged helped her country go up 79 places in the Transparency League Table. A recent development has been the training the Military in Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam.

Here in the U.K. ethical leadership training has been given to the Police Scotland Youth Volunteers, Police Forces, Educationalists and Churches. The seminars although completely secular are based on Biblical Principles and have been readily accepted from such diverse groups at Afghan Tribal leaders, Siberian Prison Govenors, Chinese local Government and Jordanian Police.

PLI (UK) is a Charity whose trainers provide their services free raising funds from UK and USA seminars to fund their travel expenses to countries who cannot afford to pay.

Here in Prestwick, Richard Wiggins, a retired Police Sergeant has been a member of PLI for 20 years and has travelled widely giving the seminars to places as far as Samoa, Tonga, Bolivia, Chad, Liberia, Russia, Grenada and Papua New Guinea . He has recently returned from Malawi and giving the Anti-Corruption seminar to South African Government departments.

More information is available here -

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