Burns Evening

Thu, Jan 26th 2017 at 8:35 pm - 8:35 pm

Burns Evening

On Thursday 26 Jan, in addition to our usual meeting, the club marked the 258th anniversary of the birth of Robert Burns. The haggis was piped in by John McLeod and then addressed and assaulted by Jim Blair. Following our traditional fare of Scotch broth then haggis, neeps and tatties, Jim Adamson read a beautiful sonnet “On Hearing a Thrush Sing” as well as a more recently written piece “A Word to the Wise” which Burns himself would have enjoyed as much as we did. Without the aid of any accompaniment or a safety net, Boyd Thompson then sang “Ae Fond Kiss” which was thoroughly appreciated. 
Anne Hill then gave us an interesting talk on Burns’ various relationships to women then it was time for another solo vocal performance, this time from our president John Taylor who impressed us all with “A Man’s a Man For A’ That,” Burns wish that everyone should be treated the same, a sentiment that is every bit as relevant now as it was then. 
Next up it was Dr Ian Campbell who entertained us with an “Epistle to Davie,” lines about a fellow poet and member of the Tarbolton Bachelors Club that he had recited as a boy before finally Harry Osborne recounted surveying a bridge to determine its strength and, while sitting on the parapet drafting his report, was told that Burns was reputed also to have used this same bridge. Overall, a thoroughly entertaining night was enjoyed by all.