An Ethiopian Experience
Thu, Apr 16th 2009 at 12:00 am - 2:00 am
This evening our very own fellow Rotarian John MacLeod gave us a photographic insight into Ethiopia which is a landlocked country situated in the horn of Africa. John with his wife Ann who had been intending to teach English as a foreign language, had taken a holiday in Ethiopia staying with a friend Susan to experience the life of the people in Lalibela.
The people live in poor conditions with little in the way of sanitation, running water and intermittent electricity supplies make the best of their situation although dust and flies seem to dominate.
The countryside is extremely mountainous with peaks rising to in excess of 400 meters, although this leads to spectacular scenery. John and Ann took an opportunity to trek for three days in the hills over difficult terrain and this was followed by trips to view the monasteries hewn out of the solid rock resulting in ancient incredible structures.
Clearly this was a once in a lifetime trip and experience which they will talk about for many years to come.
A fascinating presentation.