Helen Drummond and The Tall Sip's Race 2011
Thu, Dec 6th 2007 at 12:00 am - 2:00 am
Helen came straight from a meeting finalising details of the Tall Ship's Race 2011. Greenock is to be the second port of call arriving on a Saturday and staying until Tuesday. Helen is being seconded to Riverside Inverclyde initiative which is taking responsibility for the organisation of the event. The event will be held in the great harbor which will lead to the regeneration of the area and hopefully lead to the redevelopment of the sugar warehouses.
This is a great opportunity for the youth of the area and the council have a target of supporting 25 youngsters on the race. Helen showed us a video of the last visit to Greenock and we were all impressed by the enthusiasm generated amongst those young people taking part.
This is a project which Rotary can take an active involvement in. There are a number of things that they can do from hosting a meeting on board a ship to sponsoring young people.