Presidential Handover On Door Duty Liam Donnelly,Ian Henshaw

Fri, Jul 1st 2016 at 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm

It was June of 1985 when Ian Macpherson completed his year as President of East Kilbride Rotary and now 31 years on Ian completes a very successful year as President during the clubs 50th Charter Year. Last Friday Ian handed over the guardianship of the club to incoming President, Bruce Gunn. Opening the meeting Ian welcomed guests Jim Martin from our daughter club Kittoch Rotary and Margaret Morton incoming President of our mother club Strathaven Rotary Club and Depute Lord Lieutenant of Lanarkshire. It was an extremely busy year for the club trying to fit in 50th year events with the usual packed diary. Of course the highlight was the 50th Charter Dinner held in the Holiday Inn, East Kilbride, when many Rotarians from other clubs, guests, members and their wives gathered to celebrate the occasion. However throughout the year the club kept in mind the objects of Rotary by working tirelessly on international and community projects. The club has always fostered close links with the local schools organising Burns competitions for the primary schools where there has been success with some of the pupils going forward to the Burns World Federation Final, Youth Speaks competition saw two teams, a St Brides and St Andrews  intermediate team and a Duncanrig senior team, win District and Regional finals to reach the British National Finals, a Duncanrig pupil winning the District young photographer, all a reflection on the quality, work and dedication of teachers, staff, pupils and parents of East Kilbride. Other school projects included the planting of many hundreds of trees and plants in the school grounds and organising litter picking and clean ups of Calderglen and last but not least our partnership with Kittoch Rotary Club with selecting and sending a 6th year pupil, one of the criteria being proficient in the French language, as our representative to Strasbourg to meet with other international pupils for groups and debate in the Strasbourg Parliament. The club financially support many charities within and out with East Kilbride and each year run an AMAM golf tournament to raise funds for the East Kilbride & District Dementia Carers Group and to buy toys at Christmas for less fortunate children in the area. The club assist EK Newstape with a team of readers who, every 5thweek read and record the East Kilbride News which is distributed to the visually impaired.

Ian’s last and very pleasant duty was to present Rotarian Liam Donnelly with one of the highest awards in Rotary, the Paul Harris award. Liam has supported the East Kilbride Cancer Research Relay for Life for more than 12 years, erecting and manning a tent in support of survivors, supplying free food and refreshments during the 24 hours of the relay.

Upon finishing his speech on the clubs activities throughout his year, thanking all for their support, and before handing the chain of office to Bruce, Ian proudly brandished high a trophy presented to him at the District handover lunch nominating East Kilbride Rotary Club as Club of the year in recognition of their contribution to the community.

This is the second time the club have received this accolade, the last time during President Frank McCuskey’s year 2008-2009.


Incoming President Bruce thanked Ian for successfully steering the club through its 50th year, continuing the meeting with summarising his plans for the coming year by concentrating on projects for the disabled, increasing membership and organising more fun events and as the lunch time meeting closed he commented on looking forward to a very active year with the support of all the members.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

President Kath Shanks and East Kilbride Rotary Club members welcome guests and fellow Rotarians


The club works closely with the local secondary and primary schools in a variety of events and competitions


Our club also works in the world
