Local Primary Schools helping Ukraine Children

Play Boxes

Play Boxes for Ukraine

The war in Ukraine continues unabated and the families and children spend increasing amount of time in bomb shelters.The Rotary organisation has seen a need to support those children with play items to help them pass away the time.

The boxes also become a useful storage place for the special items the kids want to keep safe.

Called the Play Boxes Project it is led and coordinated by Rotarians in District 1220. Play Boxes are transported to London where they are included on road convoys to Ukraine. 

Examples of items included into the Play Boxes:

  • Colouring books with crayons
  • Jig saws
  • Plasticine
  • Modelling clay
  • Snap cards
  • Number bingo game
  • Picture dominoes
  • Number dominoes
  • Snakes & Ladders 
  • Ludo
  • Travel draughts / chess

The project is also a great way to connect with our local primary schools in Rushcliffe. They have proposed some great ideas for raising funds to buy items for the Boxes.

Thank you to everyone who has supported us with this initiative, and particularly our local primary schools for their enthusiastic response. 

This is an ongoing project, and if you would like more information please do get in contact with our club.

Contact Colin Knight about this page:

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