Diamond Jubilee Dinner

A memorable occasion ...

A few weeks ago, Laurie Cummings passed on to me "for safe keeping" a copy of the "Order of Proceedings" for the Diamond Jubilee Dinner held on 18th April 1983 in Durham Castle - exactly 60 years to the day since the Club received its Charter; Laurie was Club President at the time.  It seems appropriate to reproduce some images from this document here, and, as you will see, it was a glittering occasion - with both the District Governor and the Rotary GB&I President in attendance, and a personal message from the RI President.

Eric Colling, January 2009



President Laurie - as a young lad!

Laurie's message to the Club

The RI President, 1982-1983, Hiroji Mukasa


The Toast List ...

And the menu:-

It is interesting to note that, in 1983, the Club had 65 members (we have 66 in January 2009) and of those, 19 are still with us as members.

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Jubilee Plaques

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more The Jubilee Plaques

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Club History

back We entered the club's centenary year with a display in the Clayport Library