A beautiful morning dawned at the Newton Grange as our intrepid heroes gathered for their monthly communion with nature, Starting with a gentle stroll down to Frankland prison.
Judging by the concrete edge someone didn't heed the warning !
After a short diversion to look around the prison we resumed our stroll down to the Abbey in glorious sunshine.
Upon arrival, much to John Clarke's chagrin the coffee shop was shut and President Arthur felt quite faint through lack of breakfast !
Nevertheless he braved life and limb to retrieve Pauline Crowe's walking pole which had fallen off the bridge near to the raging torrent.
All's well that ends well and our intrepid band of heroes returned to the Newton Grange for a well-earned [or very well earned in Arthur's case !] lunch.
more The Ramblers' Visit to Middleton in Teesdale
more The Ramblers' July trip to Holy Island
more An evening of fun and fellowship at the Ramside Hotel.
more An evening of fun and fellowship at the Ramside Hall Hotel
more The Rotary amble around Durham
more Ramble through Belmont and Pittington
more The fifth ramble - this time to Lanchester for a stroll up to Knitsley
more The Miners' Hall was the starting point for our walk.
more The third successful Walk by the intrepid Rotary Ramblers
more Rotary Ramblers' foray into Houghall Woods
more .
more Another enjoyable evening.
more A Grand Day Out
more Garden Party at "Premnagar" - joint Rotary / St Cuthbert's Hospice Event
more Another enjoyable evening?
more Upstream this time!
more Another evening of fun, frolics and fellowship.
more at Premnagar, Potters Bank
more Nidd Hall Hotel, Harrogate
more A transatlantic reading group!
more One of our favourite charities.
more Members only - unfortunately.
more - A very enjoyable afternoon
more An evening of fun and fellowship at the Ramside Hall Hotel ...
more Another great evening!
more An evening of fun and fellowship at the Ramside Hall Hotel
back This committee conducts all the Club’s administrative activities and provides the framework that enables the Club to function effectively whilst promoting fellowship.