Leprosy Hospital Project Update

Leprosy Hospital Project Update

Leprosy Hospital Project Update

The Matching Grant Application has been completed and we are awaiting signatures from the Rotary Club of Kolkata in India. As soon as these are received we will be in position to submit the application to The Rotary Foundation [TRF] for approval. We have already received authorisations from our own District 1030 and District 7710 in North Carolina to their respective contributions from District Designated Funds [DDF], as detailed below in the funding arrangements.

Rotary Club $
    Durham 5,000
    Kolkata 5,000
    Durham, North Carolina 2,000
    Mansfield 774
A. Total Club Contributions $12,746
    DDF - D1030 5,000
    DDF - D7710 2,000
    TRF 12,850
B. Matching Grants $19,850
Total Project Fund (A + B) $32,596

This illustrates the real monetary benefits arising from the efficient use of matching grant funding from DDF and TRF sources to finance such a worthwhile project.

As a reminder, the project will help to fund services for patients at the Leprosy Mission Hospital in Kolkata (formerly Calcutta) by way of rehabilitative surgeries and surgical operations to correct disabilities, as well as rehabilitation and training for patients to become self sufficient after leaving hospital and increase mobility in the long-term.

The hospital has been established for over 25 years and is run by The Leprosy Mission Trust in India in partnership with The Leprosy Mission England & Wales, a registered UK charity.

Jim Greensmith

Note that this project was mentioned as "In Planning" in last November's International Service Update.  It's good to see these things taking shape.


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