
Wed, Jul 18th 2012 at 12:00 am- Thu, Jul 18th 2013 - 12:00 am

International Committee

The Louth Club has several continuing objectives in its International work. We sponsor the education of children in India through an organisation called "Links with India". In the run up to Christmas the Rotary Shoe-Box scheme is organised in the Louth area. This involves distributing 'shoe-boxes' into which donors are requested to place Christmas gifts appropriate for children across a range of ages. These are then collected and dispatched in large quantities to countries of the Eastern European block.

The club rountinely raises funds at various events to respond to other urgent need across the world. Should there be famine, earthquake, flood or similar disaster, Rotary can provide equipment, tents, clothing and water purification systems to alleviate the urgent needs of communities. 

In addition other needy communities are helped with grant systems, whereby local rotary clubs in their own country (for instance Columbia, Nepal or Indonesia), oversee local work to improve the community, which is financially supported by many Rotary clubs, such as Louth linking together. Such is the International power of Rotary. 

Louth Rotary Club is also twinned with the Rotary Clubs of Ry in Denmark and Apt-Cavaillon in France. The clubs meet socially on a regular basis and help each other in various projects. 

New work is always on the horizon and the International team discuss the future direction of our overseas work.

Rotary has contacts on the ground across the world to make sure all donations of money and vital supllies reach the people who need them.

Contact Darren Cunningham about this page:

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'What We Do' Main Pages:

International Committee


We are People of Action. Can you help us to make a difference in our community and beyond?

The Rotary team planting Crocus bulbs at Spout Yard

We deliver local community projects using our expertise and enthusiasm, working with others to strengthen and develop our community.

St James turns Purple for Purple4Polio and Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month

For over 30 years, Rotary and its members have been committed to fighting to eradicate polio across the world.

St James Church Louth lit in purple for Polio Awareness Week

The Rotary Foundation is Rotary International's charity fund and is one of the largest charities in the world. All Rotarians contribute to the fund which is fully funded by the interest it raises on a rolling three year programme.

Young people making a difference in our community.

We are committed to offering young people opportunities to unlock their potential, develop their skills and broaden their horizons.


Walk with us to raise awareness and funds for services for those living with dementia. Our annual walk takes place each year with the help of Magna Vitae

Louth's Rotary Club for young people

Louth's Rotary Club for young people at King Edward VI Grammar School
