Handover dinner July

Wed, Jul 3rd 2024 at 3:20 pm - 5:20 pm

A report on the investor of new officers

The handover dinner was held on Wednesday 3rd July and it followed the traditional format.

After the meal  outgoing President Stuart Brown gave his valedictory speech in which he highlighted a number of events during his year in office.The most notable one being the Guy MartIn evening.He also thanked a number of people who had assisted him (in arranging events/charity events)and also given advice.After the speech he presented the chain of office to incoming President Mike Briggs.Mike thanked him for his year and service to the club and presented him with the Past President’s badge.

President Mike invested the following people and presented them with jewels or badges of office

Mike Carr .Senior Vice President.

Gary Allen. Secretary

Treasurer absent

Sergeant at Arms  Martyn Turner

Deputy Sergeant at Arms Ian Birrell

President Mike delivered his first speech to the club detailing his year

The meeting was closed in the traditional way.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Grimsby Rotary Club raises money to provide support to local causes throughout the year.


The generosity of Grimsby supermarket shoppers to the annual Christmas supermarket collections makes a substantial contribution to the Grimsby Rotary Benevolent Fund from which local charities are the main beneficiaries.


We assist local agencies such as Grimsby in Bloom with regular clean ups


Maintaining the Child Development Centre garden at Princess Diana Hospital


Grimsby Rotary is a friendly and relaxed club where members enjoy many social events
