Handover Dinner

Wed, Jun 26th 2019 at 7:30 pm - 10:00 pm

Outgoing President Chris hands over office to incoming president John.

Rotarians along with their spouses and guests enjoyed a pleasant three course meal followed by the handover of officers for the 2019-20 Rotary Year.  Outgoing President Chris Oldridge gave a summary of the year's activities and achievements before handing the chain of office to incoming President John Clark. Chris's wife Jo handed over the ladies chain to John's wife Josephine.

John thanked Chris and Jo for their contribution over the year before transferring the jewels to the new Club officers.  Mike Gough is our new president elect and John Norman our junior vice president and speaker finder.  Richard Vivian takes over the role of secretary from John Norman and Ian Birrell has taken on the role of Sergeant at Arms from John Tuke who has entertained us for many years with his razor sharp wit and sometimes politically challenging comments.  Stuart Brown retains the office of Treasurer.

John then gave us a very eloquent speech inspired by Shakespeare, using props as diverse as a potato and a bearing from a Rolls Royce Merlin engine, to explain how he was 'not born great', questioning whether he ever did 'achieve greatness' but now certainly has 'greatness thrust upon him'. 

Thanks go to our entertainment officer Roger Cropp for organising the event.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Grimsby Rotary Club raises money to provide support to local causes throughout the year.


The generosity of Grimsby supermarket shoppers to the annual Christmas supermarket collections makes a substantial contribution to the Grimsby Rotary Benevolent Fund from which local charities are the main beneficiaries.


We assist local agencies such as Grimsby in Bloom with regular clean ups


Maintaining the Child Development Centre garden at Princess Diana Hospital


Grimsby Rotary is a friendly and relaxed club where members enjoy many social events
