Carol Service at North Thoresby

Wed, Dec 30th 2015 at 7:02 pm - 7:02 pm

This year's carol service was held at St Helen's Church North Thoresby.

This year's carol service was held at St Stephen's Church North Thoresby. The service  was lead by the Reverend Bob Emm.

At the begining of the service he told the congregation that he had been in the village for 30 years, and to his knowledge, this was the first time the our club had had a carol service in the church. It is an interesting church, small but felt homely with the rotary memebers and partners.

It was the traditional service of readings and carols.The first reading (by Past President Ian Birrell ) was from Isaiah when the Prophet foretells the coming off the Saviour. Bob  put this into context by reading a poem about the serpent in the garden and its effects upon Eve. He continued with his interjections throughout the service and these little touches were interesting, relevant  and thought provoking.

Bob did the final reading, which was from St John's Gospel, (before singing Hark the Herald Angels sing ) and read Thomas Hardy's poem about the oxen.This was written during the first World War but was set  about the 1850's. This put into a new context for me and he recommended that we all go home and read it, particuarly noting the punctutation.

An enjoyable service made all the more so by Rev. Bob Emm. He is to retire soon and I wished him all the best.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Grimsby Rotary Club raises money to provide support to local causes throughout the year.


The generosity of Grimsby supermarket shoppers to the annual Christmas supermarket collections makes a substantial contribution to the Grimsby Rotary Benevolent Fund from which local charities are the main beneficiaries.


We assist local agencies such as Grimsby in Bloom with regular clean ups


Maintaining the Child Development Centre garden at Princess Diana Hospital


Grimsby Rotary is a friendly and relaxed club where members enjoy many social events
