Lunch Meeting - District Representatves

Wed, Oct 7th 2015 at 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm

Today we had a visit from Stephen Holdaway, Assistant District Governor, member of Horncastle Rotary Club, and Robin Mason, past District Governor and President Elect Rotary club of Hull. 

Stephen talked about current district changes, in particular that Horncastle will be joining district 1070 and that Grimsby will be joining district 1040. He also remarked about the fact that all Rotary has now virtually eradicated Polio in Africa, with Pakistan and Afghanistan remaining after a 25 year campaign - all because clubs across the world pulled together.

Robin talked about our transition to district 1040.  There is going to be a “cluster” meeting on the 10th Nov in Brigg which will hopefully be informative and help elevate any concerns.

Also today John Clark talked about the award from Grimsby in Bloom for the services provided by members of our club.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Grimsby Rotary Club raises money to provide support to local causes throughout the year.


The generosity of Grimsby supermarket shoppers to the annual Christmas supermarket collections makes a substantial contribution to the Grimsby Rotary Benevolent Fund from which local charities are the main beneficiaries.


We assist local agencies such as Grimsby in Bloom with regular clean ups


Maintaining the Child Development Centre garden at Princess Diana Hospital


Grimsby Rotary is a friendly and relaxed club where members enjoy many social events
