Handover Dinner at Healing Manor

Wed, Jun 24th 2015 at 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm

A lovely summers evening set the scene at Healing Manor for one of the year’s more important events, the inauguration of the new Grimsby Rotary Club President, Gordon Bulter.  President Ian Birrell officially handed over the chain of office having completed a busy year with significant achievements and a successful fundraising.  Ian summarised his year, remarking about particular events and activities and thanked all Rotarians for their support.  Local causes were the main focus of Ian's charity work, with St. Andrew’s Hospice receiving £5,000, the Grimsby Motor Project £1,000 and the Shalom Centre £500. He also supported an international project in India, the Nohari School washroom facilities and contributed to Rotary International emergency funding for the Nepal earthquake.

Ian's final and very pleasant official duty was to award Keith Burnett with the "Paul Harris Fellow Recognition" for his 34 years service to the Club and his charity activities associated with "Hearing Dogs for the Deaf". Rotarians and partners congratulated Keith with a warm applause. 

Incoming President Gordon Bulter thanked Ian for his year,s presidency, handing him the past presidents’ jewel. In a very relaxed and entertaining style he nominated his Officers and presented his view of forthcoming year. 

Whilst he believes that Grimsby Rotary should support some international projects, he considers our local charities are very important. Grimsby has suffered bad publicity recently on TV and, as such, his chosen charities are Harbour Place and the Sea Cadets. In spite of a lottery grant Harbour Place is in need ongoing support. The charity does incredible work in assisting Grimsby's most needy residents, providing meals, shelter, advice, job search and a sense of belonging. The local Sea Cadets is very active and needs continual support to ensure they are able to attract local youth.  Hopefully the funds we donate will assist with their endeavours to purchase a new boat and attract more members.

Grimsby Rotary has been a very well supported and an active Club since 1930 and Gordon emphasised the many beneficial characteristics such as the diversity of members professions to the number of different social activities pursued. Recognising that to maintain a robust and active Club, as President, he is committed to encourage the introduction of new and younger members.

Many thanks to Roger Cropp for organising an excellent evening.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Grimsby Rotary Club raises money to provide support to local causes throughout the year.


The generosity of Grimsby supermarket shoppers to the annual Christmas supermarket collections makes a substantial contribution to the Grimsby Rotary Benevolent Fund from which local charities are the main beneficiaries.


We assist local agencies such as Grimsby in Bloom with regular clean ups


Maintaining the Child Development Centre garden at Princess Diana Hospital


Grimsby Rotary is a friendly and relaxed club where members enjoy many social events
