Community Champions

Fri, Sep 18th 2015 at 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Rotary clubs sponsor the crowning award at the Burton Mail Community Champions Celebration Dinner.


The awards ceremony for the 2015 Community Champions took place at Pirelli on Friday 18th September. It was preceded by a three-course meal enjoyed by award winners, their families and sponsoring organisations. The evening was organised by the Burton Mail to provide an opportunity for “the local community to recognise the remarkable and inspirational people who make a significant difference to the lives of others without asking for anything in return”.

Winners had been chosen for each of 14 categories, including Mum of the Year, Performing Arts, Kindness to Animals, Teacher of the Year, Courage, Great Neighbour and Achievements Against All Odds. The star of the evening was undoubtedly 7-year-old Mia Parnell who won the Inspirational Youngster award and who proved more than match for the evening’s compere when answering his questions.

We and Bretby Rotary Club had decided to make a Rotary Special Recognition Award to the category winner whom we felt most closely met our organisation’s ideal of “Service above Self”. Officers of both Clubs, meeting under the chairmanship of William Saunders, had agreed unanimously that our award should be made to Chris Boundford, winner of the Great Neighbour category.

She is an 81-year-old pensioner, living in Stretton, who, among other activities, visits neighbours, collects their orders at local shops and chemists, organises trips and does gardening in their absence. She even took a very ill and under-fed  lady with a gambling addition under her wing, taking her to hospital, visiting her daily, transforming her flat and taking charge of her money.

Unfortunately, Chris Boundford could not be present at the awards ceremony but Jarvis Whitehead, President of Bretby, and I made our presentation to Valerie Bestall on her behalf. We may ask Chris to attend our joint meeting in February so we can meet her in person.

All in all, this was a humbling yet interesting evening enjoyed by all who attended, including several Rotarians and partners from both Bretby and our own Club.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Annual Report and Accounts submitted to the Charity Commission

Presentation by the President

Presentation to the Breast Cancer Screening Clinic at Burton on Trent Hospital

Pot and attribution

Photos of work undertaken in June 2024


Many of our members joined Rotary because it offers a chance to 'give something back'


just some of many!


meets every Tuesday morning at Burton Brewhouse


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Have fun and help others. Sue abseils down Derby Cathedral to raise money for Mountain Rescue.


A small selection from recent Club events

Ready to carry the boards!

Thanks to all the Local firms supporting Burton Rotary Club
