Serving our Community

Many of our members joined Rotary because it offers a chance to 'give something back'

In recent times we have undertaken a wide range of projects to help local people, particularly the young and the elderly.   The examples below are from our current or recent programmes.  The related pages below are just a few of many.

The Young

We help them to pursue their interest in art, music, sport and voluntary work, including overseas.   We organise:
  • An annual Young Photographer Competition
  • An annual local Young Chef Competition and support the winner at District and national levels
  • For some years we organised a national football competition held at St George's Park

We co-promote, sponsor or encourage participation in:

  • Our District Young Musicians Concert
  • The Burton Mail Children of Courage and Achievement Awards
  • Rotary Youth Leadership Awards
  • World Challenge and similar programmes.

We seek close links with local schools and youth organisations to identify ways in which we can help.  In recent years we have:

  • Provided funding for school trips
  • Run Young Citizens Award schemes
  • Provided school prizes
  • Organised mock interviews
  • Encouraged and funded environmental projects
  • Commissioned a design project
  • Provided mountaineering equipment for Burton Venture Trust

Our District Youth Exchange Programmes are open to young people between the ages of 15 to 25:

  • Short term Family to Family exchanges
  • Youth Service exchange
  • Camps and tours
  • Long term exchanges, normally for an academic year

Adults and the Elderly

Examples of our practical support:
  • Creating and running a weekly Carers+ Café
  • Garden maintenance at our local Children's Hospice
  • Running Stroke Awareness Days
  • Decorating at the local riding school for the disabled
  • Supplying and fitting bookshelves at the local addiction centre
  • Organising days out for the elderly
  • Providing supplies to a foodbank
  • Advising clients at a local Drug and Rehabilitation Centre on their CVs and providing mock interviews.
If you would like to be involved, do contact us.

Serving our Community sub-pages:

Food Hampers for Discharged Patients

more Working with Waitrose and the Queen’s Hospital


more Joining our befriending service will bring joy, and cost you nothing but time!