DisabilityGames2015~Julie's Skydive

Tue, Oct 7th 2014 at 4:36 pm - 4:36 pm

Organiser and fundraiser Julie skydives to raise funds for the Scunthorpe PODS based Disability Games in 2015

We are pleased to say that Julie landed safely on the ground after parachuting over the skies of Hibaldstow on 28th September 2014. Julie says, "What an experience, it certainly made the toes curl!!  I undertook the challenge in order to raise funds to go towards the costs of the District 1270 Disability Games that I've been heavily involved in.  The games will takes place on Sunday 26th April 2015 at Scunthorpe PODS and Brigg Rotarians will heavily support the event by escorting of our competitor guest and in the running of the Table Tennis event.

The jump itself was from 15,000ft and immediately I descended into 9,000ft of freefall at 120mph, which only took 1 minute. Thankfully, at 6,000ft Wes, my marvellous instructor, safely opened the parachute.  Two minutes later we made a safe landing on the target area.

I hope to give the club a full talk with all of the more gory details plus DVD of the whole experience when I can get a speaker slot.

 In the meantime, I would like to thank you so much for all of your generosity is sponsoring me; it was very much appreciated. In total, I have raised just over

'What We Do' Main Pages:

President Martin and his minders

Rotary District Disbility Games 2012 Hymers College, Hull


Brigg Rotarians are seeding the riverside walk near Lidals


Members have provided interview practice for students as they prepare for the next step in their education.


Members of the Brigg Business Partnership Receiving Certificates of Thanks for their financial sponsorship


'Thank You' Certificate presented at Brigg DDM Estate Agents to Giles Johnson

Inaugural President of Brigg Rotary Club

Pictorial reference of Past Presidents


The Charity Banquet and Auction held at the Kar Restaurant, Brigg, raised £2,500 in support of Community projects locally and internationally.
