Are you interested in Joining Aldridge Rotary Club?

Come along and join us.




If you are a local resident and you have been considering widening your circle of friends and acquaintances whilst helping the local community and needy people overseas we could well be the friends you haven't yet met.


Would you like to join our Rotary club?


But, what is Rotary and who are Rotarians?

Rotary International is a worldwide organisation of clubs whose members are all of like mind in their desire to serve their fellow human beings and to do all they can to relieve some of the problems which people have throughout the world. Rotarians are male or female; no age, colour, creed or race restrictions exist to preclude membership of any Rotary club.

Our members are often representatives of a vocation and this is wide ranging and inclusive. Rotary meetings are generally held weekly, usually over a meal when members have the opportunity to enjoy each others' company in a social and pleasant atmosphere. Membership is normally effected through a club member, but we welcome enquiries.

The Rotary Club of Aldridge was founded in 1955 and after 58 years old is one of the fifty six Clubs in Rotary District 1210 and we presently have twenty five members.


We meet every Thursday evening at 7:00pm at Druids Heath Golf Club, Stonnall Road, Aldridge, when we enjoy an excellent, good- value meal. 2 courses for meetings where Club & Service matters are discussed (known as Fellowship

Malcolm WildContact Malcolm Wild about this page:

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(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

Are you interested in Joining Aldridge Rotary Club? sub-pages:

Speaker Fellowship Meeting

more General club Speaker meeting. Colin Such "Auctioneering" all welcome.