Casino Night at Thatchers Cider

Sat, Jan 21st 2017 at 7:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Black Tie Charity event in aid of Children's Hospice South West and other charities supported by Rotary

With the kind permission of Thatchers Cider, the Rotary Club of Wrington Vale are promoting a Casino Night at the Marquee, Thatchers Cider, Sandford, North Somerset on Saturday 21st January, 2017. 7.00 for 7.30pm. This prestigious event is in aid of Children's Hospice South West and other charities supported by Rotary. The evening at this great venue will consist of a 4 course meal followed by the opportunity to play Roulette and Blackjack at game tables run by professional croupiers. Prizes will awarded to the most successful players. There will also be music and dancing. Tickets are £26.00 each and include £50 “Fun” money. Dress - Black Tie / Lounge Suits. Why not book a whole table of ten and come along with colleagues and join in the fun! Tickets for this prestigious event are available from Merlyn Saunders Mendip Ridge, Ellick Road, Blagdon North Somerset. BS40 7TU email: tel: 01761 463255 Or from any Rotary Club of Wrington Vale member