
Retiring President Mike hands over the chain of office to the incoming new President, Brian.

At the Club’s Handover meeting at the Beambridge Inn, retiring President Mike Parsons gave his report outlining the Club’s activities over the previous twelve months. He summarised the interesting speakers who had attended the weekly Rotary lunchtime meetings and the Club’s involvement with the local schools, particularly with Youth Speaks, the Young Photographer Competition and the planting of thousands of purple crocuses in school grounds. He also praised the Club for reacting quickly to national and international disasters.


Mike was pleased to announce that with support from the local community the Rotary Club of Wellington had met the targets set to support his chosen charities. These were the Children’s Hospice South West, the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation and Mercy Ships. In addition, the Club had been able to support St Margaret’s Hospice, WaterAid, ShelterBox, the Ukraine, PolioPlus, the Rotary Foundation and other local worthy causes. He gave a big ‘Thankyou’ to the people of Wellington and surrounding areas for their generosity and continuing support particularly with the Christmas collection and the Club’s occupation of the Pop-Up Shop in town. Mike concluded his report by thanking the Club members and in particular his committees, for their enthusiasm throughout his year.


Before retiring from office President Mike presented Rotarian Chris Cardwell with a Paul Harris Fellowship in recognition of his extraordinary service to Rotary and the community. The awarding of a Paul Harris Fellowship is the highest personal honour any Rotary Club can bestow. The award is named after Paul P Harris who founded the Rotary movement in 1905. Such is the importance of this award that since being formed in 1954 the Rotary Club of Wellington has presented only forty-five Fellowships including five to non-Rotarians.


His final act as President was to hand over the chain of office to the incoming new President, Brian Withers.


Incoming President Brian’s first act was to present a very surprised retiring President Mike with a Paul Harris Fellowship for his service to the club through some particularly difficult times. President Brian then introduced his officers and committees for the year. Fund raising efforts will include another week in the Pop-Up Shop and the annual Christmas Collection and he was pleased to announce that Father Christmas has agreed to appear again in Wellington in December.  The President’s own chosen charities for the year will be Love Musgrove, Prostate Cancer UK and Water Survival Box. President Brian confirmed that the Club will continue to support ShelterBox, PolioPlus and Foundation, Rotary’s own charity. The Club will continue to support other worthy local charities and organisations which are sometimes overlooked.


He wished all the Club members an enjoyable Rotary year and closed by echoing Mike’s thanks to the people of Wellington and the surrounding districts for their support, without which the Club would not be able to help so many worthwhile causes.

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The Rotary Club of Wellington attended the Wellington Park Fayre. Visitors to the gazebo sampled water from the Water Aid pump and also attempted to guess the name of the Teddy Bear.


Wellington Rotarians at their Reindeer stall !


Retiring President Mike hands over the chain of office to the incoming new President, Brian.


Pupils from IKB and Wellesley Park primary schools planted 1700 crocus bulbs


With a little help from members of the Rotary Club of Wellington, pupils from IKB and Wellesley Park Primary Schools have planted purple crocus bulbs in their school grounds.


"Members of the Rotary Club of Wellington recently visited Wellesley Park Primary School to present copies of the “Usborne Illustrated English Dictionary” to the school.


At the presidential handover IPP Mike Parsons and Rotarian Chris Cardwell were presented with Paul Harris Fellowships.


On Friday, 17 May 2024 the Rotary Club of Wellington celebrated it’s 70th birthday with a combined Anniversary Dinner and President’s Night at Oake Manor Golf Club.


Past President Mike Parkinson presents the insignia to President Mike Parsons


Zoe Steer, head of fundraising for the charity "Love Musgrove" talks to the club


Rotary Water Survival Boxes sent to the Turkish earthquake disaster area


Members of the Rotary Club of Wellington, together with members of the business community, attended Court Field's mock interviews. It was a rewarding occasion when the year 10 candidates acquitted themselves very well indeed.


Ian Williamson visited the club


The recent Club Handover was held at the Beam Bridge Inn
