Treasure Hunt and Pub Meal

Tue, Aug 30th 2022 at 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

A short fun treasure hunt around Abbotsbury followed by a pub meal at the Swan Inn

Treasure Hunt

There will be a short treasure hunt on foot that will suit virtually everyone's abilities. There is even a short cut if desired and no hills. The total distance to walk is only 1km or 2/3 mile or even less!

Lots to find and see on the way.

We will park and meet at the Swan at 6pm then do the treasure hunt, returning to the Swan for a pub meal.

if you don't want to do the treasure hunt then please come a bit later and join in for the meal.

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Please get in touch if you have any questions, or your group would like to a beneficiary in future. We look forward to seeing you there!


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