Community and Youth

July 2024 -2025

Club Assembly July 2024 - June 2025  Community & Youth  Committee Report

The following outlines what Youth and Community committees will be arranging over the next Rotary year, working alongside other club committee members.


Major events within the club are organised on a project basis with smaller projects run by Youth and Community.



Rotary Youth competitions

Dog show

Community awards


Monthly Tabletop sales

Silver Surfers afternoon Christmas tea

Children's Christmas party

Santa's sleigh fundraising

Christmas morning present deliveries

Kids Out


We shall also be organising speakers every three months starting in September for Guest Night and undoubtedly there will be other events happening over the next year.


Youth Lead is Jayne, Carolyn is Lead for Community and Sarah is Chair overall and will combine the report to Council.



'What We Do' Main Pages:

Articles, Photos, Events, Diary, Puzzles and more.... Links to latest issue and archive are below


Please get in touch if you have any questions, or your group would like to a beneficiary in future. We look forward to seeing you there!


Our plan for the coming Rotary year 20243 - 2025


Membership & Club Service committee 2024-2025
