Speaker Meeting at Mr Miles, High Street, Taunton

Mon, Mar 7th 2022 at 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm

David Lewis: Weapons Officer on HMS Argonaut during the Falklands Conflict.

Club members please log in for more information.

If your ship is hit by two Argentinian bombs and neither explode, you might be feeling lucky.   But one struck the engine room disabling the power and the other hit one of your own guided missiles, killing some of the crew and starting a serious fire.  With no power to move the ship or fight the rapidly spreading blaze and two large unexploded bombs on board, the situation looks bleak.

David Lewis, who was weapons officer on board  HMS Argonaut during the Falklands conflict, will take up the story and explain how he and most of his ship mates lived to tell the story.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Halcon Link Centre

Taunton Vale Rotary is working with the Taunton East Development Trust.

Bird Bath presentation at Abbeyfield

Taunton Vale Rotary Club has recently celebrated their 40th Charter anniversary. To mark the occasion the Inner Wheel Club of Taunton Vale have donated a bird bath, and this was handed over to Abbeyfield Residential Home in Bishops Hull.

New Website

We have an Events website with more information about our forthcoming events
