Informal Speaker meeting via Zoom

Mon, Jul 6th 2020 at 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm

President Tony;s first meeting, with Councillor and Rotarian Keeley Allin, Mayor of Great Torrington, the youngest Mayor in the country.

28 people were on line for the first Zoom meeting of the Rotary year including 5 supporters from Torrington Rotary club, the home club of the speaker Keeley Allin. Keeley is the 23 year old Mayor of Great Torrington and president elect of her Rotary Club.

She outlined how she was enthused to public service by her mother who was also a town councillor and in turn mayor of the North Devon town. The town council does not have many powers but is the voice of the local community. The role of the mayor is to represent the community locally and across North Devon.

As well as being mayor, Keeley is also president elect of her local Rotary club. Their meetings start at 6 30 with business followed by a meal and often a speaker, usually concluding by 8 15pm.
The vote of thanks was proposed by Malcolm Turner.
In his new role as Almoner, Henry Besley had the sad duty to inform us that TV Inner Wheeler Pat Hunt died at the weekend. In brighter news – Ian Harkness is improving while David Watkins enjoyed eating his first proper meal for months and is looking forward to his first hair cut since before Christmas (is this a sponsorship opportunity?). John Guy is on ‘an even keel’.
Earlier in the day Paul Hughes had made a presentation about our Halcon project to RC Cheltenham.
Richard Austin mentioned he had attended, by Zoom, the handover meeting for RC Barranco (Peru) in the early hours of the morning UK time. Although a small club they had achieved a $33,000 Global grant from Foundation last year for one of their projects.

Next week is a business meeting + a conversation about Rotaract led by Like Addison
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Meeting ID: 831 3211 7278 Password: 741035 Duty Rotarian Richard Dyke

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Team Bigwood

Donations to ARC and St Margaret's Hospice

Halcon Link Centre

Taunton Vale Rotary is working with the Taunton East Development Trust.

Bird Bath presentation at Abbeyfield

Taunton Vale Rotary Club has recently celebrated their 40th Charter anniversary. To mark the occasion the Inner Wheel Club of Taunton Vale have donated a bird bath, and this was handed over to Abbeyfield Residential Home in Bishops Hull.

New Website

We have an Events website with more information about our forthcoming events
