Christmas Party with Entertainment

Mon, Dec 17th 2018 at 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm

at Oake Manor Golf Club

44 Members and 44 Guests/partners enjoyed a Christmas Party at Oake Manor. After a Starter there was a buffet main course of Turkey Fricassee or Lamb Curry or Fish Pie, then a Dessert and a mince pie with the coffee.
During the meal, Kaleb, a Magician, demonstrated card sleight of hand at each table, winning applause for his skills.
To follow that, we were mesmerised by the tricks Kaleb persuaded some of his audience to help him perform, including a clever mind reading co-operation with President Keith – once he’d found his glasses! A disappearing wine bottle, an enormous drinking straw and a magic Rubik’s Cube were conjured from a very small bag. A magical performance.
The President wished everyone a Happy Christmas, and hoped to see a good turnout for the first Meeting of 2019 on the 9th for Breakfast at the Stragglers, and the Monday 14th at SCCC s/f Nigel Birkett, d/r R Austin.
Meal apologies to R Austin.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Halcon Link Centre

Taunton Vale Rotary is working with the Taunton East Development Trust.

Bird Bath presentation at Abbeyfield

Taunton Vale Rotary Club has recently celebrated their 40th Charter anniversary. To mark the occasion the Inner Wheel Club of Taunton Vale have donated a bird bath, and this was handed over to Abbeyfield Residential Home in Bishops Hull.

New Website

We have an Events website with more information about our forthcoming events

Team Bigwood

Donations to ARC and St Margaret's Hospice
