Supporting North Taunton Partnership

Taunton Rotary Club has contributed to the refurbishment of the Community Centre at Priorswood which provides valuable support and access to facilities and activities for those who live in North Taunton

The Priorswood Community Centre was first established with the support of Taunton Deane Borough Council in 1998 as a facility for chidren and families. Since then it has had a number of up-grades and refurbishments and now offers a range of facilities, activities and support for the communities of North Taunton which mainly includes Rowbarton, Priorswood and Lingfield.

The Centre has been badly hit by the Coronavirus restrictions but with the help of Round Table and a financial contribution of £250 from the Rotary Club of Taunton, the Centre is preparing for its re-opening. 

Whilst not large, the Centre is a valuable resource to older residents especially, providing opportunities to meet and socialise. The Centre partners with other venues and organisations to offer fitness classes and regular surgeries provided by the police, the Citizens' Advice Bureau and local Council.

The Centre is operated under the North Taunton Partnership , a voluntary sector body that supports a range of community needs. In the recent past they have contributed to the creation of a community garden and facilities for handrails and litter bins as well as providing seating in Lingford Park.

The Partnership, which is run by Lesley also works with the seven local schools. Lesley believes that after Coronavirus the role of volunteers and the voluntary sector will become ever more important and the Priorswood Community Centre will be  a valuable resource for local residents.  Grants and funding are always at the forefront of Lesley's mind and Taunton Rotary is committing additional time to assist the staff in securing success with future funding applications.

Click on this link to find out more about the Priorswood Community Centre and how you might contribute.


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