Ordinary meeting with speaker at the Golf Club 6pm for 6.30

Tue, Apr 12th 2022 at 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Ordinary meeting with speaker at the Golf Club 6pm for 6.30

President Roger with Jonathan

Rotary Club of Bridport

Minutes for  Club and Approval  Meeting 12th April 2022

Those Present: PP Chrissie Bailey, PE Colin Bowditch, Rtn David Cole, Rtn Martin Cox, PP Malcolm French, Sec. Mike Green, PP Clive Jeanes, PP Bob Jukes, Rtn Ainsley Parker, President Bernard Paull, IPP Roger Pollock, PP Roger Stoodley, Rtn David Tett, PP David Weston,

Apologies: Rtn Elizabeth Gale, PP Clive Bath, PP Tony Williams, Rtn Ivor Bending, Rtn Martin Whiting, PP Mike Conway


Welcome to our Speaker: IPP Roger Pollock:

Speaker Jonathon Holyhead CEO Dorset Blind Association

Gave us an informative presentation. There are over 5,000 people registered blind or partially sighted  in Dorset. 4%  (33,000) of the population thought to be living with serious sight loss. The Dorset Blind Association provides practical help, advise, information and special equipment helping people to adjust to living with serious sight loss, which is described as having vision that cannot be improved by wearing glasses. Their 300+ volunteers have been awarded the Queens award for Voluntary Service.

Questions: On how they raised funds Jonathon said that they looked towards grants and lottery funding but have recently been opening up Charity Shops, starting in East Dorset but are moving unto our part of Dorset as well

Vote of thanks: IPP Roger Pollock


Any Boards Circulating: Attendance at the Spring Lunch, New Members

Minutes of Council Meeting 5th April 2022 Approved

Matters Arising: Council proposals for Clubs approval

Club Tabards: Proposed by Colin Bowditch seconded by Mike Green: That the Club purchase 10 printed Tabards approx. Cost £200 to be supplied free of charge to all volunteers while on duty. Approved with the addition that volunteers can purchase the tabards for cost price (approx£20) if they so wish.

Melray Felix: Proposed by Malcolm French  and seconded by Roger Pollock: that the Club continue to support Melray with her education with a donation of £600 to SOS Africa towards her funding. Unanimously Approved


Welfare Report: Elizabeth Gale is recovering well following minor surgery. There was concern that we have not heard from Don Knight or Brian Evans. Both to be contacted to see if they are all right.


Birthdays: 7th April Bob Jukes


Presidents announcements:

1. Carnival and Torchlight Parade - Joyce Duford from the Carnival Committee has asked for confirmation that we will be doing the burger/ hotdog stall in Bucky Doo Square for the Carnival parade on Saturday 20 August . She also wonders if our club would like to do the same stall at the torchlight procession the next day, Sunday 21 August? It was agreed to attend the Carnival Parade but not the Torchlight Parade.

2. Possible New Members List - Update and appeal for more possibilities.


Secretaries Announcement:

DG Blog 11th April 2022 (See below)

Brit Valley Presidents Lunch. Members and Guests have been invited to their Presidents Lunch to be held at Haddon House at 12.00pm on 7th May. There will be a 3 course lunch cost is £30. Places need to be booked by 26th April. Secretary will email details in next day or so.

Newsletter containing forthcoming events unto end June were distributed along with poster for the Bridport Big Band Concert. Will be circulated to all those not present.

Informal Lunch held last week was very pleasant which enabled Mike and Jenny to join us along with David Tett and Chrissie. Next lunch is scheduled Wednesday 4th May.



Colin Bowditch. Update on events from late April to late May

Plant a Tree for Jubilee (see DG Blog below).  Colin asked for information as to who to approach re obtaining tree (Woodland Trust?) also where to plant.

Bridport Youth Club Visit. Concluded that what they initially require is some knowledgeable guidance as to how to proceed in their maintenance programme and was hoping such skills could be available from Rotary Members.

Big Band Concert. Has received programme from the Band and looking at alternative suggestions encouraging community singing. Flags for waving will need to be purchased soon as they will be in high demand. Interval refreshments will be available in the Church Hall.

Spring Lunch All in hand but we only have 30 attending and need at least 40 to make it viable. Members to contact those not yet signed up. Chrissie to contact Caterers with numbers. Members were asked to donate prizes for Tony’s Raffle. We also need helpers to set up, serve food and clear tables.

Mike Green: Friends of Rotary. Explained that with the continued commitment to support Ukraine we will be stretched at times and one solution would be to recruit Friends of Rotary which are volunteers happy to help us at public events but are not interested in joining Rotary. Friends of Rotary are covered by the Rotary Insurance when taking part in Rotary events. Portland Rotary have 10 Friends of Rotary (plus two new Rotarians).It is therefore proposed that we make ‘Friends of Rotary’ our theme for the Charter Fair for Mike and Colin to discuss further. Chrissie said that Andrew would be our first Friend of Rotary.

Malcom French: Needs two more volunteers to attend the collection on Saturday. It was decided to bring the Spinning Well into town. David Weston and Ainsley (?) agreed to help.

President Bernard Paul: Has heard from our Twinned Club Jarnac, France who have two youngsters 17 and 25 who want to come to Bridport on an exchange basis looking to stay approx. 1 month. Anyone able to help?


Roger Pollock. Establish that we would only have one table for 6. Mike agreed to Dress the Table to enter the Mayors prize.


Next Meeting

26th April Club Meeting with Committees at the Golf Club




DG Blog 11 April 2022


The Queen’s Green Canopy: ‘Plant a tree for the Jubilee’

Peter Renshaw (President, Taunton Rotary) has been speaking with Gloria Craig (Deputy Lieutenant of Somerset leading on the Green Canopy). She has asked if any individuals/clubs who are planting/have planted trees could register on the official site, so that their contribution is recognised publicly.





Ukraine Update

Clubs in our District have come together in support of Ukraine. This support has taken the form of taking in refugees, collecting medical equipment (and other items) and sending them to Ukraine and collecting funds from members of our community.


I am delighted to let you know that the District Council agreed that a further £40,000 be sent to Rotary in the area surrounding Ukraine, as well as Water Survival Box (in addition to the £30,000 sent previously):


Rotary District (Poland): £10,000

Rotary District (Republic of Moldova and Romania): £10,000

Rotary District (Hungary): £10,000

Rotary Lviv International: £5,000 (via Polish Rotary Club)

Water Survival Box: £5,000


A committee has just been set up to distribute additional funds in aid of Ukrainian Refugees arriving in our District. This has access to £10,000 from District Reserve Funds, as well as a US$ 25,000 from the Rotary Foundation, which was applied for on advice from District Grants Lead, Stan Jones (and has been approved).


We have roughly a further £30,000 in the District Ukraine Account, which we shall allocate shortly, depending on need in around the coming fortnight.


Several individual clubs have also sent money directly. Significantly more than £100,000 has been raised by our District so far. The work Rotary is doing in our District has gained media coverage. Julie O’Donnell was on BBC News, with the Ukrainian family staying with them. The project by Bridgwater Rotary with the lorry carrying medical (and other) equipment, working on a national basis with the International Rotary Fellowship of Healthcare Professionals) was on ITV News. I have received messages of thanks to our District from DGE of Poland (Piotr Jankowski), the District Governor of Hungary (Frici Nemeth), President of Rotary Lviv International (James Joeriman) and Rotaract Lviv International (Yuliya Bitner).


Many have told me how proud they are to be Rotarians. Individual Club Members and Clubs are the heart of Rotary; you are doing amazing work!



Michael Fernando

District Governor





'What We Do' Main Pages:

The Bull in the 1920s

Bridport Town History Tour followed by a Meal at the Bull Hotel

Providing delicious burgers and hotdogs on Bucky-Doo Square once again.

How we Raise Money

The central Shield is the Borough Coat of Arms which was granted to Bridport in 1623. In the open port are three spinning cogs or hooks.

The Club was founded in 1947 with its Charter dated 13th August 1947.


Club Activites

The donated tool shed

Rotary Club of Bridport members get involved in many and varied ways to support local causes, and other good causes too. Click on the related pages button for some specific activities...and scroll down to see some other examples of our activities...

Our club member Clive Bath on a recent immunisation programme in Mumbai

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Cofox Seniors - Winners of the District 1200 Youth Speaks Final

The RYLA training exercise on Dartmoor

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