Zoom Council meeting 6pm

Tue, Apr 5th 2022 at 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Zoom Council meeting 6pm

Rotary Club of Bridport

Minutes for Council Meeting via zoom on 5th April at 6.00pm


Attending: PP Chrissie Bailey, PP Clive Bath, PE Colin Bowditch, Sec Mike Green, PP Bob Jukes, President Bernard Paull, (arrived late due to internet connection problems) IPP Roger Pollock,

Apologies for absence: Rtn Martin Whiting, PP Malcolm French, Rtn Ivor Bending, Rtn Martin Cox, PP David Weston


Minutes of Meeting 29th March 2023: Accepted

Matters arising: Tabards: Mike  said that there were two proposals  from the meeting. One from Colin Bowditch proposing that we purchase 10 Tabards for approx. £200 to be supplied free to all volunteers, including potential Friends of Rotary on the basis that they were handed back at the end of the session. The other proposal from Clive Jeanes was that volunteers should purchase them from the club for £20. Neither proposal was seconded therefor was not voted on.

Mike Green proposed and PP Chrissie Bailey seconded that the Tabards should be supplied free of charge to all volunteers. Proposal unanimously agreed.


Presidents Announcements:

1. Ukraine Appeal

PP Malcolm French has arranged another street collection in Bridport on Saturday 16 April, Easter Saturday. We have a pitch in Bucky Doo Square but without the gazebo, only one is permitted and the Living Tree had already booked one. More helpers would be welcome.  Brit Valley members have been invited, no response so far.


2. Charity Commission Return – PP Malcolm French has submitted the Annual Charity Return for 2020/21 to the Charity Commission. Acknowledgement of receipt has been received.


 3. The Bridge Magazine – The editor of the magazine has offered to include details of our meetings and activities on the magazine’s ‘Get Involved’ section. This wold be another way of promoting our Club to the people of Bridport.

It was agreed that Bernard should proceed.


4. Bridport Climate Response (BCR). – The email from Alan Heeks explains that the overall aim of BCR is to raise awareness, motivation and practical actions by households in responding to the climate crisis, and to draw on inputs from young people, voluntary organisations and local businesses to assist this. He would be happy to speak to us at one of our meetings.

It was agreed to invite Alan Heeks to give a presentation to the club


Email from Alan Heeks


I am a great admirer of the many ways that Bridport Rotary supports our local community, and I am writing to explore ways in which you could be involved in local responses to climate change. I lead a small non-profit project, Seeding our Future, which helped organise the two Climate Forum meetings for local voluntary groups last November, one of which Roger Pollock attended on behalf of Bridport Rotary. Arising from these consultations, I have started a new project, Bridport Climate Response, and you can see our main aims pasted in below this email.


I would really value your advice on ways to involve Bridport Rotary and its members in this valuable work. Having looked at your website, I’d offer the following suggestions for starters:

  • I would be happy to be a speaker at one of your meetings.
  • As you will see below, we are offering free workshops for local voluntary groups, and I would be happy to lead one for your members: these usually last 1-2 hours.
  • My project is just starting up, and it would help a lot to have some more volunteer help. Is there a way that you could circulate such a request among your members?


I look forward to hearing further from you: please let me know if a conversation in person or by Zoom would be helpful at this stage.


With best wishes,

Alan Heeks


Bridport Climate Response

Seeding our Future is working with a small core team and a number of local organisations to launch a programme of activities in spring 2022. The overall aim is to raise awareness, motivation and practical actions by households in responding to the climate crisis, and to draw on inputs from young people, voluntary organisations and local businesses to assist this. This work is based on consultations with local voluntary groups in the Climate Forums in November 2021, and with individuals in September 2021. This programme is currently under development: key elements are likely to include:

·    New website: consultations have shown a strong desire for a single location with info about the many local projects already happening, plus resources, advice and events. We will be compiling a directory for the website of all the local organisations involved in some aspect of responses to climate change: if you would like yours included, please email us at bridportclimateresponse@gmail.com.

·    Free workshops: BCR can run workshops for local groups to help people understand and explore the practical actions they can take to minimise emissions and waste, reduce their costs, and help the community. If you are interested in a workshop, please contact Alan Heeks.

·    Communications campaign: we aim to reach as many local people as possible using social media, and local magazines and press. Please visit and like our Facebook page here.

·    Involving young people: our consultations showed a widespread concern in Bridport that climate change will hit young people especially hard, and an awareness that many young people feel their views on the crisis are not being heard. Hence we are seeking ways to involve young people, and enable them to share their views through this project. If you are a young person who would like to be involved in this process, please contact us.

·    Information leaflet: for our short leaflet on mitigating and adapting to climate change click here. For our longer briefing leaflet, Simple Steps, click here.

·    Networking and Bulletin: we aim to create a sense of momentum, involvement and mutual support through quarterly networking meetings and a monthly e-newsletter. To sign up for the newsletter, which will include info on networking and other events, please click here. You can view our most recent bulletin here.

·    Crowdfunder appeal: to provide enough capacity to have a meaningful impact, we plan to launch a Crowdfunder appeal later this year. This will cover professional costs for communications, website set-up, and coordinating with volunteers and local organisations. If you can help us run this appeal, including offering any Rewards for donors, please contact us.




Secretaries Announcements:

Rotary Club of Poundbury Quiz on behalf of Ukrainians settling in UK. This is an inter club quiz and a table of 4 including refreshments cost £38 per table. Contact the secretary if interested.

District Conference scheduled for 15th October 2022. A one day event at the Westland Entertainment Centre in Yeovil costing £40 per head including refreshments. Contact the secretary for further information.


Treasurers Report: Martin Whiting

My apologies, I will not be at Council.

The only changes to the accounts from last month are the income and payments for Ukraine. I have not paid the expected Gift Aid element but Malcolm is claiming that for both the standard Gift Aid and the Small Donations Scheme. 

The other Trust income was Tony Williams contribution from Harbour House. 

From the General Fund there is the cost of the collection buckets and forecast cost of the tabards. 

Malcolm has both cheque books, a Trust account payment is due for the President's Charity last year, the Blind Club. Payment is due to Malcolm for the buckets.



Club Service Report: Colin Bowditch

Updates of events till end of summer:

Spring Lunch:There was a good response to the board circulating at the last meeting and it will be circulating next meeting. We need a minimum of 40 to break even. Prizes required for the Raffle to be run by Tony Williams.

Charter Fair: Friends of Rotary will be the thrust of our message at the Charter Fair. Colin and Mike to discuss. Rota to be issued re volunteers for Gazebo and BBQ. Brit Valley to share.

Colin suggested having a ‘Chair’ for Friends of Rotary

Brit Valley Pet Show. 22nd May to be held at the Football Ground.

Big Band Concert. 28th May. Publicity has been distributed and tickets available at TIC. We need 60 to break even.

Services Projects Report: Chrissie Bailey

Chrissie said that with such a small active committee they are concentrating on helping out Club Service activities at the moment.

Foundation Report: Clive Bath

RYLA Presentation 20th April: This is being arranged by Brit Valley at Haddon House which is causing problems with some candidates attending since it clashes with Easter Holidays. Have confirmed that Clive Bath, Chrissie and Andrew  Bailey, Bernard Paull, Malcolm French and Martin Whiting will be representing the Club.


International Service Report: Malcolm French

International Committee report for Council Meeting 5th April 2022.

The main item discussed was the continuing situation in Ukraine.

We have successfully collected 3 times in March for Ukraine, the first Saturday we joined Brit Valley and between the two clubs raised in excess of £4600. The subsequent collections were £2000 and £830. This reflects a reduction in donations which was expected. The next collection is on the 16th April, Easter Saturday, and we are hopeful that donations may be up a little, but these may be affected if the weather is inclement. Additional collecting boxes have been purchased to assist with future collections.

Individual members have made personal donations, together with generous donations from outside the Club, the details of which were detailed by the Treasurer at the last meeting

Regarding Melray, the Committee agreed that we would continue funding towards her education and a proposal will be put to Council confirming previous approval of this expenditure. It was confirmed that a Birthday Card was sent via SOS Africa for her birthday on 29th March.

Proposal: That the International Committee propose that the Club continues to support Melray Felix’s education and the Club donates £600 to SOS Africa towards her funding.”

Seconded by Roger and unanimously agreed.


Malcolm French.




Roger Pollock reported on Skittles Night victory over Portland Rotary last week at Swan PH Abbotsbury. This means we are through to the next round venue to be decided.


Mayors Quiz night. 22nd April. We have a table of 6 costing £30 per table. Anyone  interested in filling a further table to contact Roger.

New Members List. Clive mentioned Martin Bowen of Stags had shown interest in the past and would contact him again. Alison Whetton who came a couple of times had decided to join Brit Valley.


Next Meeting:  12th April Club and Approval Meeting with Speaker Golf Club 6.00pm for 6.30pm




'What We Do' Main Pages:

The Bull in the 1920s

Bridport Town History Tour followed by a Meal at the Bull Hotel

Providing delicious burgers and hotdogs on Bucky-Doo Square once again.

How we Raise Money

The central Shield is the Borough Coat of Arms which was granted to Bridport in 1623. In the open port are three spinning cogs or hooks.

The Club was founded in 1947 with its Charter dated 13th August 1947.


Club Activites

The donated tool shed

Rotary Club of Bridport members get involved in many and varied ways to support local causes, and other good causes too. Click on the related pages button for some specific activities...and scroll down to see some other examples of our activities...

Our club member Clive Bath on a recent immunisation programme in Mumbai

Rotary International operates in most countries of the world in many different projects. Some are long term projects and many are in response to man made and natural catastrophes.

Colfox Seniors, winners of the Distict 1200 Final 2024

Cofox Seniors - Winners of the District 1200 Youth Speaks Final

The RYLA training exercise on Dartmoor

The Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA) is an intensive training programme, for 16 to 19 year olds, designed to develop the leadership skills of young people with potential. The course takes place in February at Devon County Council"™s Dartmoor Centre
