Santa's Sleigh - Ightenhill Park

Wed, Dec 11th 2019 at 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Starts on Ightenhill Park Drive

Starts on Ightenhill Park Drive around 18:00.  The exact route depends upon the great British weather and whether or not Santa can get his sleigh down all the streets on the route and this depends on where cars are parked.

Subect to this the route covers Ighenhill Park Drive, Ighten Road, Westwood Road, Hunters Drive, Fallowfield Drive, Wellfield Drive, The Chase, The Ridings, Clover Crescent, Northwood Close, Netherfield Close, Parkwood Avenue, Somerford Close,

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Kathy and John

Crack bowls team suffers shocking defeat!! Padiham lose 4-1 at Rossendale in the first round of the district bowls competition.


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Santa on his Sleigh outside Padiham Tesco

Every year we raise thousands of pounds on our Christmas sleigh and hopefully bring some happiness and fun to the people of our town. We're hoping to do the same this year!
