Evening Meeting. PHF presentation.

Thu, Aug 6th 2015 at 7:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Ribby Hall Restaurant. This weeks speakers are PP Tony Kaye and Rtn. Dave Thomas who aim to give a tour through our clubs website and dispel some myths and fears, encouraging fellow rotarians to utilise their site.

Yet another very proud moment for our club and in particular PP Richard Cookson who tonight recieved his Paul Harris Fellowship from IPP David Thow.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

School Premises

A progress report on our Malawi Under 6's Project to build toilet facilities with Lunesdale Rotary


In May this year our 21st Sponsored Bike Ride was from Carlisle, via Annan and Edinburgh to Queensferry ................................

Five students proud of their award

2022 Good Citizens Award Report

Erin Jones, Ella Cramman and their Headteacher

Results of the 2020 Good Citizens Award for Students


2022 Good Citizens Award Report


As part of the Nation's fight against Covid-19 all physical meetings have been cancelled for the foreseeable future. We continue to meet electronically and are active in the community.

Four students proud of their award

2022 Good Citizens Award Report

President Tom Garlick presenting Charles O Hodgson with his Cerificate

Recipients of the Good Citizens Award 2019

Five happy recipients of their award

2022 Good Citizens Award Report


Kirkham and Rural Fylde Rotary Club.
