If you are age 13yrs to 25yrs
and are looking for
Adventure ~ Challenge ~ Development
the Windmill Youth Development Group
could be the place for you.
If this is your first visit to our site we invite you
to click through the boxes on the top of this page
Start with
'Windmill History'
To view current and future events click the
'What's On' box & then Recent Events.
Do not miss reading our Testimonial page.
The Windmill Youth Group is not
school or a youth club
Please understand that our discipline, standards and expectations of you are very high.
If you can accept that, we will vigorously encourage you all the way to success.
The Windmill Group has been in existence since 1978
We are totally independent.
We are totally voluntary with unpaid leaders and we do not supply services for a fee.
The Group specialises in creating future team leaders and
managers in Commerce, World Affairs,The State Sector and
Voluntary Bodies.
We are not interested in how academic you are. We are just
interested in you as a person.
We involve ANY young person.
If we find you have a Spark, we will bring it to Life.
All activities are supervised by members of the Windmill Group Executive Committee,
who each have the correct qualifications, all up to date and years and years
of experience.
Professional staff occasionally are brought in, to assist with events where appropriate.
The Group works under strict safety guidelines as laid down by
government advisory boards
We have our own insurance, for third party liability.
Health & Safety
With regard to Health and Safety, our philosophy is to keep our
"Safe and Healthy "
With the achievement of youngsters foremost in mind,
we get out there and do the job safely and for free.
is not part of that Philosophy,
We meet every Wednesday evening at 6pm
Come to Stanley Park Sports Centre Sports Arena
Best drop off point is the Stanley Park Sports Centre Car Park on
West Park Drive. However we encourage the use of bicycles or
walking/running there.
All Windmill participants have to join the organisation to involve
themselves in the activities.
We train outside every week throughout the year.
No matter what the weather.
(Come Wind/Rain/Snow/Ice or Shine)
There is no joining fee and the weekly donation to the Windmill
Charity is just