Dec 7 - District regionalisatioin meeting

Mon, Dec 7th 2020 at 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm

Here's the link:

‘Regionalisation’ Pilot proposed for Districts in Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland


At the Rotary Institute held in Amsterdam in October, Rotary International gave a presentation titled

‘Shaping Rotary’s Future’ in which they made proposals which included the abolition of districts, or at

least their suspension.

All District Governors in Rotary GB&I were invited to attend a zoom presentation by Nicki Scott,

incoming RI Director, on the 26 th October to discuss the ‘Regionalisation’ pilot proposed for these

islands. This presentation clarified the above statement in the context that RotaryGB&I is unique in the

world and already a region.

There are proposals from RotaryGB&I which are designed to streamline the management and

processes of Rotary in these islands by putting a pilot programme in place which will be as follows,

• Four districts will come together to form one region. Cumbria and Lancashire will be with the

North East, Yorkshire, Manchester forming one region

• Name changes will include District Governor to District Leader, Assistant Governors to Assistant


• The need to fill 19 roles will reduce to that of District Leader, 8 Assistant Leaders, District

Treasurer, District Secretary and Foundation Team Leader

• The remaining roles of International, Youth, ComVoc, Public Image and Membership will be

appointed from within the members of the four Districts and who are experts in a specific field.

• Each District will retain control of their finances and available District Designated Funds for

Global and District grants.

There are also proposed changes at RotaryGBI level.

The proposal from RotaryGB&I is to put this pilot programme to the Annual Business Meeting in May

2021 for approval with the view to implement the pilot on the 1 st July 2021.

Apart from the presentations given to me, DGE Ian, DGN Kath and IPDG Miles there is little detail

available, so District have therefore invited the incoming Chair of the Association David Ellis to give a

presentation to the whole of the District on Monday 7 th December at 6.30pm.

To find out more about these proposals please register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Richard WallworkContact Richard Wallwork about this page:

(ALL fields required)

(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

'What We Do' Main Pages:

See panel on right


We currently have 4 primary schools with active Rotakids' clubs. St Andrews, St Pauls, Hippings and White Ash specialist school


Our main local environment project is the improvement of Tinker Brook woodland. We also have the Purple Garden project, (Purple 4Polio) set in Rhyddings Park. Plus environmental work with our Rotakids clubs. Regular litter-picks.


International Projects and support overseas


Community; some projects are within the local area, involving support for our senior citizens, and some involve primary school-aged children with our Rotakids clubs.


Projects initiated or supported by members to provide opportunities for young people in our local area.
