Jan 11th - Zoom 40 - Violette Szabo

Mon, Jan 11th 2021 at 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Jeremy Prescott will talk - an inspirational story of the bravery of a Special Operations Executive (SOE) in WW2

Jeremy Prescott can deliver a number of really interesting speeches. The one entitled Violette Szabo GC is your popular choice. 

Violette Szabo GC

The inspirational story of the bravery of a Special Operations Executive (SOE) in WW2, her brief marriage to Etienne Szabo, a French Legionnaire, before he was killed in El Alamein, her motivation to be selected by the SOE, the training involved, her 2 missions into France, her capture by the Germans, her imprisonment and execution in Ravensbruck concentration camp in 1945, the award of the George Cross gallantry medal to her 5 year old daughter Tania and how her memory is now commemorated.

Jeremy Prescott was an Army Officer for 26 years reaching the rank of Lt Col seeing operational service in Northern Ireland and Dhofar, Oman.

After leaving the Army he was appointed CEO of a charity supporting rural communities. Initially he developed the Sacrifice and Remembrance presentation from a successful bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund to support communities in their own commemoration of the 100th anniversary of WW1.

From interest from audiences from this presentation this led on to the creation of a further 10 presentations in the Sacrifice and Remembrance series. To date he has delivered these presentations to over 11,600 people in 230 venues on a voluntary basis with all donations (as at 1st June 2020 totally £13,000) received from these presentations being passed to Combat Stress – the veterans mental health charity.

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