Sept 7th - Zoom 23 - Aquabox talk

Mon, Sep 7th 2020 at 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Roz Adamson will give us an up-date on Aquabox. A recent article written by Roz is displayed below.

Some details about Roz

I first learned about Aquabox just after the Tsunami in 2004 when a teacher in my school asked if we could contribute to the aid Aquabox was sending.  I retired shortly after that in 2006 and began volunteering regularly at the charity's depot in 2008.  I was not a member of Rotary at that time, but it gave me a great opportunity to see what great work RI did.  I was asked to join RC Bakewell and still remain a member of that club. I was President in 2014/2015. (This is often confusing as Aquabox is a RC Wirksworth charity, but at the time I joined Bakewell, Wirksworth had no lady members.)  I continued to volunteer at Aquabox and was honoured to be asked to become a Trustee in 2018. Part of my responsibilities is maintaining the Aquabox ambassador network.

A recent article by Roz

Aquabox responds swiftly to Bay of Bengal cyclone 

Despite the limitations imposed by COVID-19, the Rotary charity Aquabox has managed to send two shipments of relief aid to India and Bangladesh in the way of the Amphan cyclone. 

By Roz Adamson  

Published Date: June 15, 2020 

Aquabox, Rotary’s own disaster relief charity, has managed a rapid response to the Amphan storm in the Bay of Bengal. 

The Derbyshire-based charity has been able to send supplies to Asia despite its premises being shut down since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Last month Amphan, officially graded as a Super Cyclonic Storm, ripped into the coastal areas on the Bay of Bengal, causing widespread damage in eastern India and Bangladesh. 

It was the worst cyclone for the past 20 years, with sustained wind speeds of 150 mph and a peak of 160 mph, and it has resulted in massive damage. 

Last month Amphan, officially graded as a Super Cyclonic Storm, ripped into the coastal areas on the Bay of Bengal, causing widespread damage in eastern India and Bangladesh. 

Government sources in the area report that millions of acres of crops have been destroyed due to salt water flooding, and more than 200,000 farmers have lost their livelihoods, their homes and belongings. 

In total, millions of people’s lives have been devastated. 

On top of that, COVID-19 is prevalent in the area, and although relief camps have been set up, social distancing is impossible. 

Mercifully, the death toll from Amphan is low, but with severely limited access to safe water for drinking, personal hygiene, and preparing food, it is likely that many more will suffer and possibly die. 

That’s where Aquabox steps in, with the Aquafilter – a simple, robust hand-pumped unit which converts polluted water to safe, clean water, and which needs no power source and only minimal maintenance. 

Aquabox, which was founded by Wirksworth Rotary nearly 30 years ago, has shipped two substantial aid packages to Kolkata for local distribution in the cyclone area. 

The first shipment, by air, left the Aquabox depot in Wirksworth, Derbyshire on June 3rd and included 10 community water filters and 60 family filters. 

COVID-19 is prevalent in the area, and although relief camps have been set up, social distancing is impossible. 

At a conservative estimate, the 70 filters will provide clean water for around 4,500 people. 

The second shipment, by sea, will leave the depot on June 9th, and includes 250 Aquabox Gold boxes. Each box contains a wide range of aid items such as shelter building materials, food preparation items and hygiene products, as well as a family water filter. 

This second shipment will provide access to safe drinking water for a further 1,500 people. 

All of this has been achieved despite the current lockdown, because the charity had built up a stock of aid ready to distribute before the lockdown started. 

Local distribution at Kolkata will be managed through the Eastern Indian Rotary Welfare Trust, a tried and tested partner agency. 

All of this has been achieved despite the current lockdown, because the charity had built up a stock of aid ready to distribute before the lockdown started.” 

Freight costs have risen sharply as a result of the COVID-19 crisis, and in total, these two shipments have cost Aquabox £42,000. 

That has made a significant dent in the charity’s reserves at the start of the hurricane season. 

Past experience has shown that there will almost certainly be more demand for Aquabox’s water filters and humanitarian aid boxes before long. 

You can help to fund Aquabox’s vital work by donating at Every penny received goes toards manufacturing filters and stocking aid boxes – and every penny counts. 

Richard WallworkContact Richard Wallwork about this page:

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