Mon. Eve. Feb 11th - Old time music hall - Norman Nuttall

Mon, Feb 11th 2019 at 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Norman is a regular and funny speaker at Rotary meetings. Come and hear him talk about Old Time Music Hall

Music hall is a type of British theatrical entertainment that was popular from the early Victorian era, beginning around 1850. It ended, arguably, after the First World War, when the halls rebranded their entertainment as Variety.[1] Perceptions of a distinction in Britain between bold and scandalous Victorian Music Hall and subsequent, more respectable Variety differ. Music hall involved a mixture of popular songs, comedy, speciality acts, and variety entertainment.[2] The term is derived from a type of theatre or venue in which such entertainment took place. American vaudeville was in some ways analogous to British music hall,[3] featuring rousing songs and comic acts.

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We currently have 4 primary schools with active Rotakids' clubs. St Andrews, St Pauls, Hippings and White Ash specialist school


Our main local environment project is the improvement of Tinker Brook woodland. We also have the Purple Garden project, (Purple 4Polio) set in Rhyddings Park. Plus environmental work with our Rotakids clubs. Regular litter-picks.


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Community; some projects are within the local area, involving support for our senior citizens, and some involve primary school-aged children with our Rotakids clubs.


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Projects initiated or supported by members to provide opportunities for young people in our local area.
