Community - Local Activities

Community; some projects are within the local area, involving support for our senior citizens, and some involve primary school-aged children with our Rotakids clubs.

The Community Committee is involved with several projects each year, some of which are carried out on a year to year basis. Some projects are new to the club, but all are intended to assist and offer help and compassion to people in the community who maybe less fortunate than ourselves.  

For more details please click here     

Young Carers Days Out

There are over 100 young carers in our area who often take responsibility for looking after their family physically as well as trying to do their school work as well as trying to lead a normal kids life (the latter generally suffers). We try and provide a little light relief by giving them the opportunity to have some fun and forget their chores for a while.

Friendship Group

Weekly meeting for people in our community who feel a bit lonely.                                    

Kids Day Out 

Kids Out is a dedicated day in the year, when Rotary Clubs around the country make the effort to ensure some children either disabled or deprived in some way, have some fun.

Community - Local Activities sub-pages:

Community - ongoing Station Project

more Weekly maintenance of our local Railway station, (Sat 10.00 - 12.00, coffee provided) involving painting, weeding, trimming trees, and planting flowers & bulbs, into platform planters. Interested: - please contact the Sec