The speaker at our meeting on Thursday, 13th March was Clare McDonough from Peacock Hypnotherapies. The title of Clare's talk was "Epigenetics and Hypnotherapy - Unlocking the Power of the Mind". Clare explained in detail how thought processes and our environmental factors can influence the behaviour of our genes. Experimental data shows stress in humans generates chemicals which can put 'markers' on a particular gene or genes. These markers remain permanent and can be passed on to future offspring. This has been has been observed in some Holocaust survivors and thier offspring. Detailed study shows that ageing effects on cell chromosomes can be reduced by practicing yoga and other stress reducing techniques. Clare practises hynotherapy, through hypnosis to help individuals with anxiety issues which may arise such as, trying to stop smoking, fertility issues. Clare advised ways of coping include - confidently speaking out loud statements relating to an intention say to stop smoking will condition the subconscious brain; writing down the intentions; visualising the achievement of the goal.
Ken McGrath
more Ken McGrath
more Rev. Stephen Jones
more David Oates
more Linda
more Anthony Chick
more John Blowes
more Youth Speaks, DG Visit and Poppy Making
more David Alexander
more Harry Navinski
more Doug Taylor
more David Morgan and Sue Saunders
more Ken McGrath
more The finds in fields
more Hydro Electricity etc
more By Steve Ragnall
more Colin Bowman
more Trevor Blease
more David Alexander
more Charlotte Baker
more Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
more Two events
more The Potted History
more by Malcolm Watkins
more Rique Llanares
more How to speak
more by Ken Kay
more Royal Northern College of Music concerts in Burton in Lonsdale
more WW1 Poetry
more An interesting Discussion on how to move forward
more An thought provoking insight into Rotary
more Peter Swarbrick gave an entertaining talk.
more Sue McGraw - A potted history
more Speaker: Trevor Blease
more Hayley Clark
more Michael Harrison speaking about his Austin 7
more CEO of Lancaster and District Community Voluntary Solutions
more David Alexander entertained us with poems from the past.
more Changing the church bells at Over Kellet
more What to look out for in your garden.
more An insight into education about healthy living
more An insight to the life of the Hadze
more An outline of what they do
more Is there life in Lancaster Men’s Hub
more By David Parker
more An insight into the life of Malcolm
more Karen informed us about Save a Pet
more DG Kath spoke at our first meeting in 2023
more An insight into the development of the vaccine - speaker Brian Carmen-Meakin
more A brief description of a life in ship building.
more A resume of a WPC's life