Paul Harris Fellow recognition in the Community

Recipient Lesley Gee

Lesley with rotarian George Wilson and Sheila Jones

There cannot be many who are more deserving of a Paul Harris Fellow award than Lesley. She is the sort of person who enables communities to thrive,

Lesley has always shown commitment to children and has a particular gift with them, as could be seen in her choice of career as a teacher, but also in her volunteering work. Following retirement, Lesley initiated a mothers’ and toddlers’ group at Carnforth Community School to help with the children’s socialization skills, and to give them a better start at school when the time came.  She raised funds, helped by Carnforth Rotary, she enlisted volunteers to help who enjoyed the sessions so much, it enriches their lives too.  Many children have benefitted from Lesley’s expertise in the Otters’ swimming club, and she has also raised money for Carnforth swimming pool.

At the other end of the age range, Lesley initiated and runs a Keep Active class for Oldies in Over Kellett Village Hall  and often helps with running the Tuesday lunch club, for which Carnforth Rotarians provide drivers

I am sure I have no idea of the entire compass of all Lesley’s contributions to the community. She is Chair of Governors of Carnforth Community School, she is the Treasurer and booking secretary for Over Kellett Village Hall, and was instrumental in having a pop-up Post Office established there too.  She recently helped organise a ceilidh and supper at the hall, simply as a social situation for neighbours to get together.  She is a gifted and tireless fundraiser, including raising thousands of pounds for the new bells in Over Kellett church. She was very active in BARN, the project to extend a fibre internet connection to rural areas.

Lesley is a shining example of what a good citizen can contribute to her community.

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Lesley with rotarian George Wilson and Sheila Jones


back Carnforth Rotary is very active in the community. In addition being responsible for the upkeep of the three boundary stones, our rotarians can often be seen around the area.