OSCAR - Guide Dog Elect ?

Fri, May 9th 2014 at 12:00 am- Sat, Aug 9th 2014 - 12:00 am

The story so far with pupdate at May 9th.

Such Continued Promise

This last year with the help of many local people we have managed to fund the training of a new Guide Dog. Oscar by name.We bring to everyone's attention a few details of his Birth Certificate and his latest performance appraisal. Well everyone worth a job has to have one regularly. It makes a heartwarming read. It is so comprehensive that it comes in three parts.

Part1, Part2, Part3

and as Treasurer Alan comments today 07/11/13


I received in the post this morning and if you notice "the command work and the social behaviour skills" I think he would be well suited to Rotary life. 

Others may ask from the " Comments" which Rotarian he takes after?

All suggestions accompanied by a £5 note ( obviously to go towards Oscar's ongoing training) will be placed in a draw at a later date for a suitable prize donated by the webmaster.

As of 12/01/14 we have an update, worthy of our boy still making the grade. No takers for the above prize as yet. Seems I might be drinking it myself.

Letter to Alan & the Progress Report.

Now at 15th March we learn that it is steady as he goes but with a big step ahead soon. Read the full report here 

And so to the 9th May 2014 and Oscar is making continued progress nearing his onward progress to "Big School" and formal training. See the latest report here

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