Installation of President Gareth Davies

Tue, Jun 25th 2019 at 6:15 pm - 8:00 pm

Installation of President Gareth Davies

Yesterday evening, the 25th June at the Faenol Fawr out going President John handed over his chain of office to incoming President Gareth Davies. In front of an audience of Rotarians, wives, partners and guests, John gave a quick resume of the achievements of Rhyl Rotary Club during his year of office. As well as raising several thousand pounds for charitable causes, funding two shelterboxes and the Gentleman's holiday and elderly persons day out (the latter two organised by Hari Hughes) we also visited the spiritual retreat of St Beuno's, Bangor on Dee races and the Airbus factory in Broughton together with our annual croquet competition (Organised by Howard). John has every confidence that incoming President Gareth will have an equally successful if not an even better year. Gareth's first act as President was to induct Rtn John Williams as his Senior Vice President.

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