Llangollen Towpath Walk

Tue, Jul 19th 2016 at 3:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Gentle stroll along the towpath followed by meal at the White Waters Hotel.
Pictures courtesy of President Rod and Howard.

On the hottest day of the year so far, nineteen intrepid souls from Rhyl Rotary Club set forth along the Llangollen canal towpath from Trefor to Llangollen Moorings. At the end of the walk all nineteen were accounted for, no-one having fallen in!

At the end of a thoroughly enjoyable stroll through picturesque scenery (thankfully much of it in the shade) the party of 19 was met by a further two at the White Waters Hotel overlooking the river Dee for a more than welcome drink and something to eat from the extensive and tasty menu on offer..

Many thanks to Howard and Jenny for reconnoitering the route beforehand and organising the day and the meals and putting in a great deal of time and effort into making it a really enjoyable and memorable day.


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